Data Intelligence & Netball Australia

Audience segmentation for the Netball industry

Netball Australia recognised the strategic value of segmenting current and potential audiences for the Netball ecosystem.  An actionable segmentation was sought to more effective targeting in strategy and execution across the industry, with a particular focus on delivering the following outcomes:

  • A framework to upgrade the targeting and impact of marketing campaigns, maximising ROI and increasing customer lifetime value
  • Targeting of opportunities to grow the game: those playing, delivering, watching and engaging with netball and its channels
  • A platform to inform future strategy and product development

Large-scale primary research and deep analytics

Kinetica designed and delivered the research and analytics to generate the audience segmentation and then partnered with Netball Australia to roll-out the segmentation across its system partners. The key streams of work are summarised below:

  • Industry engagement – Engaging with Netball Australia and Member Organisations (MOs) to inform and consult throughout the project
  • Segmentation design – designing and refining the primary research and segmentation approach
  • Research deployment – delivery of online qualitative discussion boards, quantitative surveys, and persona development in-depth interviews
  • Data analysis & reporting – cleaning and analysis of data, and reporting on outputs including the development and refinement of segmentation solutions
  • Roll-out – assisting in the roll-out of the segmentation through the creation of templates and training materials, workshops with system partners and integration with existing data assets

Creating and embedding an actionable audience segmentation

Kinetica delivered a go-to-market audience segmentation solution of 5 adult and 3 child segments – 8 in total. This created a manageable number of segments for Netball Australia and MOs at the point in the sport’s business lifecycle and represented 35% of Australians (8.1 million people). The segmentation was rolled-out effectively across the industry and continues to inform targeting and execution, driving more efficient and effective marketing.