Localised data intelligence to drive long-term facilities planning
The Melbourne Sport and Aquatic Centre (MSAC) is a unique venue in Victoria given the scale and quality of it service offering and the roles it plays in servicing the local community, high performance/pathway athletes and small/emerging sporting organisations. Almost 370,000 people live within a 15-minute drive time of the venue and more than 1.1 million people live within a 25-minute drive time catchment. MSAC required an understanding of the demand for sport and recreation activities now and into the future within its catchments to assist in the long-term planning for and investment in facilities and programming.
Catchment analytics and forecasting
Kinetica was commissioned by MSAC to utilise our unique localised sport and recreation data and planning tools to provide analysis of and implications for strategy given current and future demand for sport and recreation participation opportunities and MSAC’s capability and capacity to meet this demand. The key analysis streams are summarised below:
- Population data and insights – profiling forecasted population growth and demographic characteristics for the local government areas served by MSAC
- Defining venue catchments – developing and agreeing drive-time catchments for MSAC for different user groups
- Detailed catchment profiles – in-depth demographic, sport and recreation participation and supply side (venue) profiles
- Demand and supply analysis – a deep dive into 5 ‘high demand’ sports to identify the level of demand and supply for each one within MSAC’s catchments.
Robust and reliable evidence informing strategy
The analysis and insights we delivered now informs decisions on the infrastructure and programming required to meet the current and future demand for specific sports and recreation activities from the communities within the catchments served by the facility. MSAC has not had this depth of localised data intelligence before and is using the insight to drive greater efficiency and effectiveness as it makes these key business decisions.