Utilising data for enhanced health campaign efficiency & effectiveness
Get Active Victoria is an ongoing initiative by the Victorian Government to inspire all Victorians to move more every day and enjoy the health and social benefits movement delivers. The initiative includes awareness-raising activities, tools and resources to motivate and support people to move more. ‘Get Active Week’ runs in September each year and is a focal point of the initiative to help celebrate the ways Victorians can make small moments in their day for movement and illustrate that getting 30 minutes of daily physical activity is possible. The Victorian Government required data and advice to assist in the targeting of promotion and partnerships for Get Active Victoria to optimise the use of campaign budgets.
Identifying demographic and geographic targets
We used our local area data intelligence platform, Aura, to deliver the following analyses and evidence points:
- Segmentation of the Victorian population based on current levels of physical activity and propensity to increase their level of physical activity in the future. This analysis enabled us to identify the segment of the population where behavioural change is more likely and most needed (i.e., those people who are not doing enough physical activity but are open to doing more)
- Having identified this segment, we then conducted detailed demographic and psychographic profiling activity to provide a deep understanding of the target segment
- We then analysed the incidence levels of the target segment by every LGA and suburb in Victoria to identify geographic hotspots – where this segment has a higher-than-average level of prevalence in the resident population.
Optimising campaign partnerships and placements
The data intelligence and recommendations we delivered supported the optimal campaign execution for Get Active Victoria. The segmentation and deeper understanding of the target market informed the tone and creative direction of campaign promotion materials. The geographic hot spot analysis assisted in the placement of campaign expenditure and in identifying suitable local Councils with which to partner.